全球最大的汽车市场,爆发式的产销增长,多元化的消费形态,刚启蒙的汽车文化……凡此种种风云际会,构成中国汽车产业不可复制的“黄金十年”。 The largest auto market in the world, explosive growth in production and sales, diversified patterns of consumption, new auto culture… all of these bring along the “golden decade” that can’t be duplicated in China’s auto industry. 盛唐传扬见证并参与其中:从“轿车开进寻常百姓家”,到“第一个井喷期”,经过“成长的烦恼”,再到“利好政策的车企狂欢”,以及走向成熟的静水深流…… Suntime has been a witness and participant: from the period when “cars were driven into ordinary people’s homes” to “the first skyrocket”, to the “growing pains”, to “the carnival of auto manufacturers for favorable policies” and to the maturity… 凭借十年累积的经验,我们为客户提供解决方案,并避开危机风险。 By virtue of experience cumulated for the past ten years, we provide solutions to clients and help them avoid crisis.

十年经验 | 为全系列汽车品牌与车型提供服务 Ten-year Experience
Service for Whole-range Auto Brands and Models

With in-depth service for international brands, self-owned brands and new self-owned brands of joint ventures;
For whole-range products from luxury limos to ordinary cars;
Covering multiple categories including passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

服务体系 | 相互支撑的业务群 Service System | A Mutually Supportive Business Complex
作为支柱型产业,汽车营销具有市场体量大、地域范围广、时间跨度长和资金占用高等特点,一般意义上的整合难以驾驭。 As a pillar industry, auto marketing is featured by the large market volume, extensive territorial scope, long time span and big occupation of funds, which is difficult to be controlled by the ordinary integration. 盛唐传扬旗下拥有客户服务、事件行销、数字营销、策略研究及运营管理五大中心,以及包括专业车手、技术顾问、文化顾问及媒体和高校顾问在内的外脑体系,能够胜任各种类型及规模的服务项目。 Suntime has five major centers ,which are client service, event marketing, digital marketing, strategy research and operating management. as Also it has an external system including professional racing drivers, technical consultants, cultural consultants, media consultants and consultants in colleges and universities, Suntime is qualified for any type of services and any scale of projects. 同时,我们以雄厚而紧密的资源和资讯网,最大限度保证目标达成。深厚的汽车公关政府与行业资源;高度、深度、广度兼具的顾问和媒体资源;业界前沿的科研与智库资源。 Meanwhile, we ensure the completion of goals to our best with the profound resources and the tight network of information. We have profound government and industrial resources of public relations in the auto industry, sufficient consultants and media resources and advanced scientific research and think tank resources.

全景服务 | 提供一站式解决方案 All-round Services| One-stop Solutions
从新车上市、试驾、车展、品牌/产品推广、销售促进等,涵盖完整的产品生命周期; Services include the launching, test drive and exhibitions of new cars, brand/product promotion, sales promotion etc., 提供包括产品测试、咨询、经销商培训等深度服务; covering the whole product life cycle;

大客户战略 | 与客户同生共长 Key Client Strategy | To Develop with Clients

共探超越之道 To Explore the Way to Success Together 强化产品力以促进销售,北京奔驰旗下产品在细分市场表现良好。 Having facilitated the product power to enhance the sales, products of Beijing Benz have good performance in segment market. 新一代梅塞德斯-奔驰C级车荣膺“2011 CCTV年度高级乘用车”。 New Mercedes Benz C-Class won “CCTV Advanced Passenger Car of the Year of 2011”. 经历持续沟通,长轴距E级轿车魅力更加深入人心。 With continuous communication, the long-wheelbase E-Class is increasingly popular. GLK试驾,完美展现品牌魅力和产品实力。 GLK test drive perfectly reveals the charm of the brand and advantages of the product. 企业践行社会责任,维持良好声誉。 Beijing Benz keeps practicing the social responsibility to maintain its good reputation.

隐形冠军的背后推手 Pushing Hands behind the Hidden Champion 7 年战略合作。 With the strategic cooperation for 7 years 树立并巩固商用车领导者形象,并向“乘商并举”迈进。 Set up and maintain its image as a leader in commercial vehicles, and develop both passenger cars and commercial vehicles. 从零起步,公关先行,成功打造全新乘用车品牌宝骏。 Starting from zero and focusing on public relations, it has successfully forged a new passenger car brand, Baojun. 宝骏630等多款产品获“CCTV年度车”大奖。 Many products including Baojun 630 won big prizes of “CCTV Cars of the Year”. “上汽通用五菱博爱行动”成为享誉业界的公益常青树。 “SAIC-GM-Wuling Charity Action” becomes a model in charity and enjoys great reputation in the industry.

为自主执着 Sticking to Independence 发挥Leading agency作用,主导策略工作并与其他代理商和谐互动。 It plays the role as a leading agency, and manages the strategic work and harmonious interaction with other dealers. 焕新北汽年轻品牌形象。 The young brand image of BAIC Motor gets refreshed. 成功导入北京汽车E系列。 BAIC Motor E-Class is successfully introduced. 从零起步打造绅宝品牌,中高级性能座驾震撼入市。 Saab is created from zero, and shocks the market with the superior performance.

一个平台,无限可能 A Platform for Infinite Possibilities 连续三届举办中国汽车安全主题巡展 ,打造汽车安全的公益平台与安全汽车的展示平台。 Suntime has hosted the Auto Safety Exhibition China Tour for three years in succession, which aims to creating a public benefit platform for auto safety and an exhibition platform for safe automobiles.

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