好好学习,天天向上。 Study Hard, and Make Progress Every Day.

公关人是需要经常学习的。因为这个世界变化太快,我们面临的受众环境在变,媒体环境在变,实现手段在变,甚至连办公软件都在不断变化新的版本。想要“吓住”客户,就得不停的学习,用新鲜的知识填充自己的头脑,然后把他们变成文字、画面和令人眩目的各种花样,让客户惊叹“嚯,真牛!” R people need to learn all the time. The world is changing fast, so are the environment of audiences ,media, and accomplishing means. Even the office software has constantly upgraded its versions. To “astonish” our clients, we need to keep learning, arm ourselves with the latest knowledge, and transform it into texts, images and other attractive forms to make the clients exclaim, “Wow, this is awesome!” 遗憾的是,很多同行在这件事上表现都不好。当然也包括我们自己。 It is a pity that many peers are doing not that good in keeping learning, and yes, there’s still room for improvement for us. 我们常听到一句话叫“公关无学”,类似于前辈师长们说的“新闻无学”。这里的“学”大概是跟书本、理论相对应的吧。其实我们也鄙视这种“学”,如果书能解决问题的话,那大家都去考研好了。 We often hear people say “there is no knowledge about public relations” which resembles what predecessors said, “There is no knowledge about news”. The “knowledge” here is probably related to books and theories. Actually we despise such kind of “knowledge”. If solutions could be found in books, why not quit practicing and have postgraduate courses? 我们要学的,是公关之“道”。所以我们开办了盛唐大学。大家一起来研究公关的“道”,在这里好好学习,天天向上。 What we need to learn is the “methods” of public relations, and that’s why we have the University of Suntime where we learn the “methods” of public relations, study hard and make progress every day.

大班课 Big Class 可以认为这是员工福利的一部分。通过大班课程,你能了解到汽车的基础知识,知道那些耳熟能详的案例背后的故事,既开阔了视野,也可以多一些谈资。 It’s regarded as one part of employee benefits. You can learn about basic knowledge about automobiles, stories behind those familiar cases in the top class, which broadens your horizon and gain you more topics of conversation.

小班课 Small Class 每个部门都有自己的需要,这不是问题。你的客户喜欢什么,你的工作需要什么,你就学些什么,保证一毛钱的时间都不会浪费,全部转化为生产力。 Every department has its need, and it’s not a problem. You need to learn anything that your clients like and anything that your work requires of. You need to guarantee not to waste a second, and make profits out of your time.

研究生班 Postgraduate Class 汇集了公司各个专业领域最优秀的人。沿用中华民族流传千年的“师徒制”,让优秀的人一茬接一茬的更优秀。 This is where the most excellent people in various professional fields of the company are. Following the millennial “mentorship” of the Chinese nation, the elites have even more excellent performance.

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