活动创意 Activity Originality 整合能力 Integrating Ability 与公关传播、数字传播严密配合,避免活动创意跑偏 We closely coordinate with dissemination of public relations and digital communication to prevent activity originalities from distraction.
资料库 Database 业内案例尽收眼底,在此基础上推出多样化和差异化的活动创意 With a complete database of industrial cases, we put forward diversified and differentiated activity originalities.
定制化 Customization 基于对汽车品牌与产品、市场的理解,提供独具一格的活动创意和表现 We provide unique activity originalities and performance based on our understanding of auto brands, products and the market.

搭建品质 Quality 供应商 Supplier 是品质的源头,我们与业界一流的供应商长期合作;拥有覆盖全国各省市区的供应商体系 Suppliers are the source of quality. We’re in long-term cooperation with top ranking suppliers in the industry; and we have a system of suppliers covering all the provinces, cities and districts of China.
体系 System 完善的采购流程与品控体系 We have a complete procurement process and quality control system.
经验 Experience 超过300场各类活动现场组织经验,以及标准化的管理流程 We have the experience of organizing over 300 activities of various kinds and a standard managerial process.

试驾管理 Test Drive Management 技术 Techniques 资深的技术顾问和专业车手,针对车辆卖点定制试驾方案 With senior technical consultants and professional racing drivers, we customize test drive programs aiming at the selling points of automobiles.
资源 Resources 与赛车场、旅行社等广泛的资源展开合作,定制最好的试驾路线 We make use of extensive resources such as autodromes and traveling agencies to customize the best test drive paths.
服务 Services 涵盖每一个细节的试驾服务和管理 Each detail of test drive services and management is covered.

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